This Is Boring

17 Mar 2019 10:30

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This site and my investing has started to become down right boring and I could not be happier. Media likes to show the instant success stories that make investing look exciting and risky, but for the average person (including yours truly) planning, saving & investing for financial independence is a slow pace of putting away a percentage of income and letting Father Time do his magic with compounding, dividend reinvestment, and dividend growth.

Now that my challenges for managing expenses while eliminating credit card and mortgage debt have been completed there is little to focus on except to continue to save, invest and execute an investment strategy most of which is on auto-pilot. All that is left now is to watch the slow progression towards an end game which is now 9 years away. Sure I will buy the occasional stock but overall being bored is exactly where I want to be as an investor and a goal that I believe many fellow investors should strive for as it allows you to embrace or improve other areas of your life.

One aspect that I firmly believe in is not to become obsessive over my finances. I am human after all and need to enrich other areas of my life in regards to family, friends, education and hobbies. In other words things that make me happy. Now that I have less to spend time on finances I can now focus and embrace those other areas of my life some of which have been hold for many years.

One hobby I always wanted to try was metal detecting. I bought a beginners rig and ready to hit the woods, farms and parks of New England to see what I can unearth. Another piece I am getting back to is traveling. Due to financial constraints my wife and I have not been on a real out-of-state vacation in 7 years. We can’t wait to hit the road and start touring the U.S. like we did in our younger days.

Overall, I firmly believe that when you hit the point where your investing becomes boring it is a sign of success. It represents that your investing strategy is paying off and you are simply repeating the same saving & investing steps over and over because the formula is working.

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